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Thursday, October 30, 2008
i like this song. very meaningful. he is not called jay chou for nothing YOOOO. really. 對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱墮落 請你打開電視看看多少人 為生命在努力勇敢的走下去 我們是不是該知足珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有 還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑 微微笑 小時候的夢我知道 不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好 不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了為自己的人生鮮艷上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的讓自己快樂快樂這才叫做意義 童年的紙飛機 現在終於飛回我手裡所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累 偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢我靠著稻草人吹著風唱著歌睡著了 哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有 還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑微微笑 小時候的夢我知道不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好 還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑微微笑 小時候的夢我知道不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美hao meaningful. m ade me think alot. I know.HAHA. made us thought of giving up so easily after every setback. but. thinking back of what made us do that thing, and what drives us in our life why not just continue and learning from each experience. and satisfying and being happy is more important then fame and money. yeas. HAHA. oh my. jay chou. spot on the hearts of humans. and learning to treasure people around you. i just keep playing this song on my com. mans. HAHA. ciaos. amicas andohya. shineehasthisstupidsongthatgoes. AH-MI-GO. itsoundslike. literally. someone called ah mi to go dunno where. ratherthenmeaningfriendinitalian.iamtypinglikethatcauseithinkitisareallystupidsong. and oh. Went out with churchies today. SUPER FUN. but the movie max payne. we watched it. mans. i wasted my 6 bucks. though i love the twist in the end. but the ending, has no ending. I still have no idea why in the end, ,max just wanted to get the person killed. and it ended there. i think there will be a part 2 eh. LOL. the movie plot was all over the place. bahhhhhhh. ok. i want to watch teebee. weeeeee.
12:36 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
HELLO. today sermon was super power mans. I WAS TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY. What Pastor Aries said was very true, although all these recession period, we still have God with us. Having faith is the most important. Even through all these, I choose to believe that God will provide. come to think of it, since when He never provide us, when we need Him, cause He is the loving and caring God. He sits in heaven, knowing things that happen to us, everyday, every second, even things we dun notice, He notices. HAHA. He is God. Having Faith is so important mans. oh my, AND AT THE last part. waaa. it was super powerful mans. His Pressence is just so strong. MANS. I love it. mans. and I always have such great faith, that everything will be alright with God. and. He never fails me mans. this world, is sometimes to stay happy always. But with God. I think its possible. HAHA. really. happy isnt that hard eh, its how you see it, how you face the thing. if you keep on worrying about things, what difference will it make to the things? nope. nothing. will happen. the sun wont just set earlier because of you, life goes on. so why not. just face it, happily. rather than going all depress. and being angry and fustrated with everything about the world. HAHA. yeas. sounds dope hor. i know. and. HOT SHOT IS DAMN NICE. i tell u. and i wanna to go to the korean concert leh. got shinhwa members leh. andy. junjin. and wonder girls. LOL. and SIY also. HAH. why no suju ah. or big bang also can. HAHA. GO GO GO. power packed week is coming. PASTOR KONG. woohoo.. AND NICK VUJICIC. my oh my. excited. ciaooooo. HAPPY. and one thing that makes me unhappy this week is. MARKIE. pls. dun talk anymore or talk nonsense. before i stuff my shoe, in your mouth. i will really stuff. seriously. and shoes dun smell nice. i meant it. i know you are reading. bodoh.=X
11:48 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hello my fellow amicas. italian was. GOOD. but the fact that its at night. its not so good. but i still enjoy it. LOL. like really io mi chiamo grace. e tu? studio a tp. wahah. class is more fun with a bunch of good friends. things happen for a reason. same as friends, you meet them by fate. not anything. WOOHOO. tmr is no school day. HAH. can slack at home watching HOT SHOT. lol. I am still at ep 8. i know abit slow. but I watched ep 1, wasnt that good. but my cousin psycho me, till i find it was ok. so i went home and watched. and i was hooked to the drama. cause. I LIKE JERRY inside. waha. and wuzun also. LALAALA. wokay. i shall go practice my italian. che giorno oggi? OGGI E MARTEDI. woohoo. ciaos. eh? we are on BILLBOARD LEH. oh em gee.
11:05 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
HELLO WORLD. I AM back from my long missed update. firstly. If it was 6 years or a few years earlier that you said it. Maybe. things may be different. but now. please dun be so selfish, only caring about your own feelings. and crying that its not fair. Cause. 6 years ago, it was not fair to me also. I seriously think you should just go back, and everything will be fine. Please dun do anything to spoil anything good that I still left of you. thank you. TUESDAY. was a DOPE day. cause it was darling JOYCE bdae celebration at the siloso beach. we had a dope day in the sand, sun and beach. HAHA. really. thank you for the friends I have. and i enjoyed myself too. and night was fun with JOJO and soe. Sushi and dinner. HAHA. we had joyce, blindfolded and walking around. as usual. smart joyce. knew it. but we still contd to do it. DOPE DAY. with DOPE FRIENDS. something happen to mama yang. it was real serious. hit me badly. But, I have faith in God that miracles and healing will happen. cause God loves her. and I love her TOO. GET WELL SOON.!~ ps. saying it now, makes a big difference. to ME at least. ciaos. i got ITALIAN for my CDS. and one module for the rest of 2 months. THANK YOU GOD. dope.:)
11:06 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
HELLO. this post is for JOYCE, our darling. XD
DARLING JOYCE. pls enlarge for more information. THANK YOU. LOVE U TRUCKLOADS. dun feel emo. HAHA. just like what big bang lyrics wrote, if you are feeling down, just turn around, and we will be 5mins away from YOU:)
2:01 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
HELLO. tmr is a packed day. movie with my best friend joyce. then chalet with beloved churchies. and morning i am so gonna collect my stone. thank u creative. i have been waiting damn long, LOL. TMR IS A PACKED AND FUN DAY. LALA. finally. and, also planning for our beloved joycie bdae. she will have a ball of a time on her celebration day. DOPE. dope picture of suju. just look at siwon sshi. oh my:))))
11:42 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
firstly. i wanna express my anger towards hotmail. HELLO. it is not working, not freaking working for ME. LOL. and some others also. saying about some javascript error. really nmm sia. what the heck is javascript anyways. LOL. its has been like days leh. the problem with hotmail. piang. and also. creative hasnt inform me of my faulty mp3. what is like wrong with the player, that its has been more than a week. what is WRONG. LOL. seriously. like totally. OHMYFREAKINGGAWD.NMM. ok. now. finish my complaints. to update muai life already. and that ser kiat keep on pm-ing me when i am blogging. tsk tsk.:X i have been a lazy bum since the starting of holidays. but. i think i am loving it. HAHA. and someone whom i haven seen for 6years came standing at my door, with a bunch of sunnies. and i was shocked. memories do come back. but. its long at the back of my head. forgotten. its been 6 years, alot of things has changed. so has my thinking and all of life goes on. and was on usher and bookstore this weekend. its was tiring, but fufulling, cause we are doing work in the house of God. WOOHOO. then met up with nette for donuts. ok. serk PORK is suppose to meet us. but she forgot after she went back home to take her cake for, erm. ya. her friend. she FORGOT. i knew it. shd have bet with nette a cup of bubble tea. WAHA. so me and nette. took the six donuts. and we finished the whole 6 big DO-NUTTSSSS. yes. all chocolate. and went to the park. sit. and talk under the moon. yes. people talk everything under the sun. we talk under the sun and also the moon. LOL so we talk about everything. about people around us. and the things that have changed around us. HAHA. its was a good back to back old friend talk. ok. i want to sleep. and i am addicted to winx club nowadays. yes. the one u see at kid central, where they sing "magical winx club" yes. i watch that. its nice u know. and that song is stuck in my head again. songs get stuck in my head easily. "i got you, unda my scan"-uknow TVXQ version. actually is " i got you, under my skin" its stuck in my head.:) ciaos.
12:22 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
heechul. with his new hairstyle. i dunno when i saved this pic. seriously. i found it in my com. ok. tired day. sleep. ZOOMMMMMM. oh ya. try not to be so fake sometimes will you? it digusts me. seriously.:X chill ah. i am not refering to the picture. :)
2:36 AM
onetwothreefour♥ |